& Packages
Goal Discovery Session
Who it's for:
You have big dreams that you haven't moved towards and are often feeling stuck in the past and the future.
You are ready to step into a new space in life but are not sure what your next step should be.
You want to trust yourself but are searching for clarity from others and feeling confused.
What to expect:
You will learn how to create goals, live them and surpass them all while connecting with your deeper purpose.
You will be making moves in your life with intention without the constant worry.
You can let go of regret and start living in the moment RIGHT NOW.
What's included:
One 60-minute Zoom session that includes goal setting strategy, intention alignment and 3-6-9 journal prompts.
The investment:
Intentional Growth Mindset Coaching
Who it's for:
You are tired of being the dreamer who is stuck dreaming and don't understand why you can't get out of your head and into action.
Your negative self-talk keeps you in your comfort zone and you often feel defeated when things don't work out.
You're sick of feeling like you are always facing challenges with no change in the outcome.
What to expect:
You will learn how to understand your strengths and weaknesses, and use them to dive into challenges without self-doubt.
You will start holding yourself accountable for your actions and decisions and begin to triumph in your career, relationships and personal passions.
You will enjoy the life you are living now and make it as meaningful as possible.
What's included:
Two 60-minute Zoom sessions per month for 3 months that include goal setting strategy, intention alignment, 3-6-9 journal prompts, mindset shifting practices and personal pattern identification techniques.
The investment:
Internal Motivation
Life Design
Who it's for:
You want to hit the reset button on your life but always feel like it's just not the right time, the right place or the right "you".
You're ready to leave behind your old ways but don't know where to start with creating new habits and a new sense of self.
You feel like you have been settling on everything in life and want to tap into your deeper self-purpose and create a new reality.
What to expect:
You will learn how to finally take control of the life you've been dreaming about and turn it into your reality.
You will identify your life's purpose, start making yourself a priority and be able to successfully guide yourself through roadblocks.
You will create routines that give you clarity and accountability towards your goals while feeling whole and present for yourself and others throughout the process.
What's included:
Four 60-minute Zoom sessions a month for 3 months that include goal setting strategy, intention alignment, 3-6-9 journal prompts, mindset shifting practices, personal pattern identification techniques, internal body language identification, the Commit to Growth Workbook and 3 follow-up calls between sessions.
The investment:
Synergetic Relationship Coaching
Who it's for:
You and your partner want to create shared goals for the life you want together, but struggle with moving forward towards them in unity.
You both want to grow closer and connect deeper but sometimes miss the mark with intentional communication.
You want to align with each others needs and wants and challenge each other to show up authentically, but the past can often get in the way of connecting in the present.
You're both ready to grow closer by better understanding yourselves and each other.
What to expect:
You and your partner will learn how to develop a joint vision of your relationship and create goals based on mutual support.
You will have the skills to communicate intentionally and gain clarity during issues of conflict.
You will establish boundaries within the relationship that allow you both to move forward out of old conversations and conflicts, and into deep interpersonal connection with yourselves and each other.
What's included:
Two 90-minute Zoom sessions per month for 3 months that include goal setting strategy, intention alignment, communication clarity exercises, joint journal prompts, internal body language identification and 2 follow-up calls between sessions.
The investment: