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Finding our center in the mist of Imbalance

When life feels out of control, it's easy to feel like there's no way back. We can feel overwhelmed by the pressures of daily life and the responsibilities we have to others. When our personal lives are a mess, it can be difficult to get back into balance. But don't worry! In this post, we'll go over some simple ways you can find your center again so that you can feel calmer and more balanced than ever before!

Balance is an illusion

Balance is an illusion.

It’s a state of being we are all striving for, but it is not always possible to have it.

Sometimes life happens, and we end up in situations where our center is thrown off balance. The way we get through these moments is by finding our center in the imbalance. This can be done by taking time for ourselves each day, even if it’s only 15 minutes at first.

This is what you need to do instead of finding balance

What I've learned is this: the only way to find your center, and ultimately your balance, is to be honest with yourself.

You have to stop looking for balance. Stop trying to achieve it. Stop beating yourself up if you're not already there. You will always be out of balance in some way—and that's okay! The goal isn't finding perfect harmony; it's being happy with where you are right now, making small adjustments as necessary, and continuing along on this journey called life knowing that things may shift around you at any moment (especially when our brains aren't in their prime).

Know yourself

Know yourself.

It's not just a self-help cliche, it's the key to creating an environment in which you feel balanced and grounded. The first step is knowing your strengths and weaknesses, good at and bad at, what makes you happy and what makes you sad; what values matter most to you; what your priorities are. If we can't know ourselves well enough to be able to figure out how our lives fit together into one whole picture then we have no chance of finding balance when things get hard or life throws us a curveball.

Know your priorities, and rank them.

First and foremost, it is imperative to know your priorities. This can be a challenge for many of us because our priorities change over time and between different situations in life. If you start to feel like you are having trouble prioritizing, take some time to think about what matters most in your life right now. Your priorities could change every day depending on what is going on around you and within yourself!

Priorities can be things like family, friends or work; however they might also include things like eating healthy food or taking care of animals/plants/the earth. Whatever they may be make sure they are clearly defined so that there isn't any confusion when making decisions about how much time each one deserves during the day or week!

There will always be times where we have multiple priorities at once; however its important not just for us but also others around us (who may depend on us). A good example would be if someone was working two jobs while still trying their hardest at school...this would definitely lead into some conflict between balancing all three which could cause stress levels within this person's life overall - especially when deadlines come around."

Accept that some days are better than others.

You may have heard the saying, “Perfect is the enemy of good.” It refers to the idea that by setting an unattainable goal for yourself, you are less likely to work toward reaching it. Instead, you will just try harder and harder until you get frustrated and give up completely—or worse yet, become so anxious about not being able to meet your standards that it becomes impossible for you to relax and enjoy life.

I think this is one of the reasons why many people struggle with anxiety: they expect themselves to be 100% happy at all times; they feel guilty when they're not; and then when things get really tough (such as after a panic attack or when dealing with an illness), they fall apart because their expectations were too high in the first place! Instead of thinking about how much better off we'd all be if we had no expectations at all, let's consider what happens when we take away some expectations while still keeping our hopes high enough so that there's always room for improvement in our lives but not so high that failure seems inevitable.

Don't do anything that makes you feel lousy

In your heart, you know what makes you feel lousy. You also know what makes you feel good about yourself.

Do not do anything that makes you feel lousy. If someone is making fun of your weight, or calling out your insecurities to make themselves look better, that person is not worth listening to or spending time with. If a book or website tells you that there's something wrong with how much money you make and how much debt you have (or doesn't have), get rid of it!

If something makes me feel bad about myself—like when I used to think everyone was talking about me behind my back—that's usually an indication that the thing itself isn't actually real; it's just my mind playing tricks on me because I'm going through an experience of imbalance. The best way for me deal with these kinds of things is just ignore them completely until they go away on their own or at least become less intense than they were before; after all, these thoughts aren't true reflections of reality at all!

Expect changes and let go of perfectionism.

  • Expect changes

  • Don't be afraid of change. Be willing to let go of what you've known and find new ways of doing things. In the same vein, don't expect your life to be perfect or that everything will always go smoothly. If something gets in your way, stop fighting it and accept it as part of the process. You'll feel more centered if you're not holding onto sunken expectations which are making you anxious or depressed.

  • Let go of perfectionism: Perfectionism can cause us to become paralyzed by our own attempts at being "right," and by trying so hard for perfection we often end up missing opportunities for learning and growth because we're too scared of making mistakes or looking bad in front other people (or even worse, ourselves). Begin accepting yourself more fully by letting go of any need for perfectionism and releasing all those feelings about what others might think about who I am as a person.

When you have a strong center, nothing can throw you off course.

When you have a strong center, nothing can throw you off course.

When you're in the middle of a storm, your first priority is to find out what's going on and how to get yourself out of it.

So how do we react when things don't go as planned? Do we try harder or give up? Do we blame others or ourselves? Or do we try to understand why this has happened and then change our approach accordingly?

In this post, we talked about how the myth of balance is a myth. In reality, life is constantly changing and there are no perfect days. We can never be perfectly balanced at all times because life doesn’t work that way! Instead of aiming for balance, we should focus on finding our center in order to stay grounded when things aren't going well. This means knowing yourself and your priorities so that you can make good choices based on what matters most instead of giving into temptation or giving up when things get tough (like when there's too much stress). So next time something comes up unexpectedly in your life—whether it's an argument with your boss over vacation plans or an unexpected bill just before payday—remember these tips: Know yourself; know what's important; don't do anything that makes you feel lousy; expect changes; let go if perfectionism...and then proceed accordingly!

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