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Healing From Within

I began my healing journey after a traumatic experience. I was so overwhelmed by what happened that my mind shut down, which meant that I couldn't think clearly and couldn't remember things clearly either. It took me a long time to get back on track and learn how to deal with my emotions in a healthier way. Over time, I learned that there are some basic actions you can take if you're feeling overwhelmed or stuck in your own head. Here's what helped me:


Acceptance is the first step in healing. It's a choice, not a feeling or an action. You don't have to accept what happened, but you do have to accept that what happened can't be changed.

Acceptance doesn't mean giving up or giving in; it means you are willing to change how you respond to what happened, even if nothing else changes at all.


Forgiveness is a process that can take time. It's not the same as reconciliation, which involves restoration of trust and a return to normalcy following an offense. Forgiveness means letting go of resentment and anger toward another person or yourself, so you are no longer held back by those emotions.

Forgiving someone who has hurt us can be a choice; it doesn't require reconciliation or even the possibility of rebuilding trust in the relationship. Whether or not we choose to forgive someone depends on our own sense of self-worth and personal boundaries around how we want to be treated in life.

Forgiveness does not mean forgetting what happened—it means making peace with it instead. In fact, forgiving someone for something terrible they did enables you not only to move on with your life but also helps ensure that you won't continue being affected by their actions in ways that cause damage in your future relationships.


You need to be honest with yourself, especially about your own shortcomings. This can be difficult because we tend to see ourselves as good people, but we need to recognize that everyone makes mistakes and everyone has flaws. If you can't admit when you've done something wrong—or even when you don't know the answer—it's going to make it harder for others (and yourself) to trust you.

You also need to be honest with others. You may not want to tell a friend that he or she has gained too much weight or is dressing inappropriately, but if someone asks for an opinion then give it freely without worrying about hurting feelings: "I think it looks great!"


Understanding is not the same as forgiveness. Understanding can be a first step towards forgiveness.

Understanding is a process of trying to see things from another person's perspective, which requires you to understand their life experiences and how they have been shaped by them. This can be a difficult process that involves looking at yourself honestly and accepting responsibility for your own actions in addition to those of others. It may also take time—understanding isn't something that happens overnight or even within one conversation; it's something that many people in therapy work on throughout their lives!


Patience is a virtue, and it's also a learned skill. You can choose to be patient. It isn't easy, but you can do it! Being patient means accepting the moment as it is and not what you want it to be. Sometimes we have to wait for something we really want—a new career, a home in the city, or even trusting and reciprocal relationships —but when those moments come around again (and they will), they'll be worth waiting for because now there's more perspective on life and what's truly important to us.


Courage is about taking action even when you are afraid. Courage is about doing the right thing, even when it is hard. Courage is about finding strength in yourself and in others. Courage is about being honest with yourself and others.

Courage is a choice! It's an attitude that you can cultivate, no matter what your age or situation. A lot of people have had to overcome obstacles to get where they are today—they've faced real challenges that required courage to overcome them."

Healing from the inside out is not easy, but it is worth it.

Healing from within is a process. It is not a linear one, but rather, an ongoing journey of learning to live with your past. You will find that there are many moments when you feel like you’ve made progress and others where it feels like you’re back at square one. It can be frustrating and discouraging, but remember that every step forward counts!

If you keep working through this process, eventually the pieces will fall into place. This may mean different things for different people — perhaps it means forgiving yourself or someone else who hurt or wronged you in some way; maybe it means letting go of your shame or guilt; or maybe it means simply coming closer to understanding yourself better so that the next time someone hurts your feelings (or vice versa), the experience isn't quite as intense as it used to be when we were young children whose emotions ran wild without any sense of control over them whatsoever."

The healing process is not easy. It involves facing your demons, and it's a long journey that will take time. But at the end of it all, you'll find that there is an incredible peace that comes with knowing yourself and your story on a deeper level.

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