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Getting What You Need by Focusing on What You Want

The more we know about ourselves, the better our chances of achieving what we want. The first step is to set an intention. Once you set your intention, take a moment to reflect on it and ask yourself: "What do I want and why do I want it?" Learn more about yourself by listening to your thoughts. Find out what motivates you and then define and redefine your needs which will help you stay focused and committed. Make a plan of action to get the things you want so that when faced with obstacles or setbacks along the way, you can keep yourself on track.

Set your intention

It's important to set your intention before you start. Before you open up a word processing program, or do anything else that would make the task seem more real, ask yourself what it is you really want. Do some introspection on the matter; get clear about what you're trying to accomplish and why.

When writing down your goal, be specific about what it is that will help you get there. Make sure it's something measurable (e.g., "I want $50,000 in savings") as opposed to something vague (e.g., "I want financial security").

Finally share your goals with people who can support them—your spouse or significant other if married; friends who are supportive; or even family members who may not know much about money management but still care about your well-being nonetheless!

Find out what motivates you

Let's get back to the question of what motivates you.

What does it mean to be motivated? It means that you're driven by something, some reason for doing something. When someone is unmotivated, they're not driven by anything in particular—they let themselves do whatever they feel like doing at that moment without any regard for whether or not what they want to do aligns with their values or goals. This can lead to trouble down the line because if your actions aren't aligned with who you are as a person, then over time those actions will start wearing on your mental health and well-being. They're also likely going to lead you into situations where others see through how much effort goes into accomplishing something (or how little).

Learn more about yourself by listening to your thoughts

When you think about how your thoughts affect your actions, it might be helpful to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are my thoughts? Are they positive or negative? How do I feel about them? Do they help me or hinder me? Do they help me achieve what I want in life, or do they get in the way of that?

  • Underlying emotion - What is the underlying emotion behind my thoughts? Does this emotion help me achieve what's important to me, or does it hold me back from accomplishing my goals and dreams by making me feel bad about myself (or others)?

  • Action - What effect does this have on my actions, if any? If a thought makes you feel angry and frustrated with yourself for not living up to your potential in achieving something that matters deeply to you, then obviously that isn't going to help motivate you as much as something more positive would!

Ask What do I want and Why do I want it?

It's important to ask yourself, "What do I want?" and "Why do I want it?"

In order to get what you need in life, it's important to know what it is that you need. If you're not clear about this, then how can anyone else help guide you toward your goal? Asking these questions is an excellent way of getting clarity on what your goals are in life.

What are the reasons behind it?

At first, it may sound ridiculous to ask yourself why you want something. The reason we don’t often ask ourselves this question is because most of us figure that our answers will be similar and therefore not worth asking.

But once you start asking the question, you’ll quickly realize how different people have wildly different motivations for pursuing the same goal. And this is because everyone has a unique way of thinking about what they want and why they want it.

For example: You may think your motivation for losing weight is to look good in clothes or feel more confident when walking around town—but one person might have another reason entirely (like wanting to be able to run around with their kids).

Knowing what motivates other people helps me stay focused on my own goals because I know exactly where they are coming from and can empathize with them based on my own experience (and vice versa).

Define and redefine your needs and set goals

To get what you need, focus on the things you want. That's the first step: define and redefine your needs and set goals.

Before you can do anything else, ask yourself what exactly it is that you want to accomplish and how much time and effort are involved in achieving it. Then evaluate whether or not this project is worth doing at all. Are there other projects that could be more rewarding? Will this project help me achieve my long-term goals? How much effort should I put into this one project when compared with others?

Don't worry too much about what other people's goals are—the best way to get what you need is by focusing on your own path instead of following someone else's lead (even if they're successful). If possible, give yourself some extra time so that even if something goes wrong during the process of getting there, there'll still be some buffer room for error management within reach before things fall apart completely (or vice versa).

Finally—and most importantly—remind yourself why this goal is important enough for investment of both time and energy! This can help keep motivation high when progress isn't coming easily; remember: no matter how long it takes or how hard things become along the way, persistence will pay off eventually!

What is going to be different by completing this?

What is going to be different by completing this?

Some examples:

  • You will have more money.

  • You will have a new house.

  • You will have a new job.

  • You will have a new partner.

  • You will be happy, healthy and traveling the world without spending any money!

Make a plan of action to get the things you want

  • Write down your goals.

  • Plan how you'll achieve them. Do you need to save up money in the bank or find a mentor? Create a timeline for yourself and make sure it's realistic, taking into account any other obligations that might come up during that time (school, work, etc.).

  • Make sure you have the resources to achieve them—and if not, figure out how to get them! For example: If one of your goals is "save $10,000 in savings," but right now all your cash is going toward rent and groceries every month, then it might be time for some creative saving methods like clipping coupons or making homemade meals instead of eating out.

Stay focused and committed. Keep yourself on track with these steps.

Staying focused on what you want is the most important part of getting what you need. It's easy to get distracted by other things, which can cause you to lose sight of your vision and make it difficult to stay committed. To keep yourself focused and committed:

  • Avoid distractions. Don't compare yourself to others, don't look at what other people have, and don't allow yourself to dwell on negative thoughts.

  • Put yourself out there. That could mean posting something on social media or giving a presentation at work; either way, let others know how confident and capable you are so they will respect your abilities as well as encourage them!

  • Don’t give up! Sometimes the hardest part about achieving success is staying motivated when times get tough — but if there was ever a time for perseverance, now would be it!

When you know what you want and why, you can take steps to get to that point.

If you want to get what you need, first, know what you want and why.

The first step in getting what you need is knowing your needs and setting goals. For example, if your goal is to be healthy and fit, then a few things that might help with that could include:

  • Eating right

  • Exercising regularly (at least three times a week)

  • Meditating daily (for 15 minutes)

Once these things are set up and going well, it’s time to make a plan of action for the next six months or more. This includes creating reminders so that when life gets busy again, it doesn’t take over everything else important in your life like old habits do sometimes.

Now you have all the tools to set your intention and get the things that you want. Remember, it's not always easy but with patience, persistence and hard work you can achieve anything!

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